Why are you to afraid to self-promote?

Self-promotion is expected and accepted! . . . . . All content in blog copyright 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 Doris Gaines Rapp

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Remove the Mask

Are you afraid others will discover you're a fraud? If you promote yourself, everyone will be able to scrutinize your invention, business, or books. So, you hide. You put up the mask of the suffering martyr that says, "If only . . . "

"If only I had the money to launch my dream, it would sell millions."

"If only I could afford to publish my own novel, Hollywood would line up at my door to buy it for a movie."

"If only I could pay a publicist, my new business would boom."

Bring your dreams of mega-bucks down to reality and you can promote your own work. You may not have a sell out in your new store, but you can enjoy the launch by measuring success in new contacts and renewed friends. Your new novel may not open on the Best Seller List but those who read it may love it and benefit from the words. Your "game" or invention may not make you a dot-com millionaire by Christmas, but you may gain new followers, start a contact list and thoroughly enjoy the ride.

Remove the mask you hide behind. You are a sincere, realistic person and that is whom others will see. Make honest claims about your product, service the customer with joy and make new friends.

You do not claim to be Henry Ford, but you do have an exciting new product.

You do not have a sign on the wall that says, "I'm All That and More," but you are who you are, and you are a wonderful person.

You do not claim to be Charles Dickens and affix his name to your books but you do have something to say.

You have a product to offer that is uniquely yours, so go out and promote yourself - permit success.

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